Social Media and Public Relations

Viral vibes for any tribe

Flooding Facebook with posts won’t flood your bank account anymore. Nowadays, results are earned by combining the best aspects of social media and public relations, fueled by content that’s contagious.

Our approach to Social Media & PR

Combining the best of two worlds to redefine engagement.

Consumers are getting savvier by the day. They recognize the difference between a cheap click and a vibe that lingers. Now it’s about the long game of building brand love with fewer but more captivating campaigns.

Our approach intertwines the best aspects of social media with the best aspects of public relations, creating a unique mix that can turn a simple idea into a full-blown movement.

Amplify PR efforts

Converting PR wins into social stories increases exposure, creating a ripple effect of increased engagement and more compelling connections.

Share great content

Creating content that can be shared on social media increases engagement, builds trust with your audience, and drives more traffic to your website. 

Foster relationships

Building relationships with influencers leverages their credibility and reach, boosting your own brand's visibility with a wider and more engaged audience.

User-generated stories

Capture and repurpose customer testimonials, product reviews, social posts and other forms of user-generated content to amplify your campaigns.

Social Media and PR services

Featured Social Media & PR case studies
Content MarketingEmail AutomationPaid MediaSEOWeb Development


Carolina Asthma & Allergy Center
Content MarketingEmail AutomationPaid MediaSEOWeb Development

Carolina Asthma & Allergy Center

Our multi-faceted marketing approach

Whether you're trying to increase sales, generate leads, or build brand awareness, a holistic approach to digital marketing is the key to success.

Search Engine Optimization

Outshine your competition on search engines and benefit from increased organic traffic and a more robust online presence that fuels your bottom line.

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Paid Media

Maximize your advertising ROI through Paid Media strategies, targeting your audience strategically across platforms for optimal reach and conversion.

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Website Development

Unleash your brand's potential with leading-edge design and functionality, creating a seamless user experience that captivates and converts visitors.

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Transform clicks into customers with optimized online shopping experiences that drive higher conversions and sustained growth.

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Social & Public Relations

Foster meaningful connections and cultivate brand loyalty across channels through intentional engagement and stories that inspire.

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Craft your "why" story and align your values, visuals, and messaging to resonate with your target audience and stand out in the market.

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Content Marketing

Fuel your digital presence with content that establishes your brand as an industry authority and drives customer engagement and conversion.

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Email & Marketing Automation

Nurture your best customers with campaigns that deliver personalized messages, fostering long-term relationships and conversion opportunities.

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We've got the answers

Frequently asked Social Media and PR questions​

What is the role of social media in PR?

Nowadays, social media and public relations work together to enhance the connection between a brand and its audience. Social media is a great platform for reaching new audiences, sharing relevant information and monitoring customer sentiment. In addition, social media can fuel public relations by building relationships with journalists and engaging influencers to amplify your brand's story and place in the community. 

Can strategies be tailored to my specific business goals?

We customize strategies to meet your objectives, whether it's brand awareness, engagement, or lead generation, ensuring a personalized approach that resonates with your target audience. Our team stays current on industry trends and adapts strategies to align with the latest changes in social media algorithms, ensuring your campaigns stay ahead of the curve.

How do you measure social media success?

We focus on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as engagement rates, conversion metrics, and audience growth, providing transparent and data-driven insights into the effectiveness and return on investment of our campaigns. While specific goals will vary depending on your campaign, our team understands the importance of achieving a strong ROI.